Research in Paklenica National Park
In 2024, we continued our research in Paklenica National Park. This year’s activities include:
- biospeleological research in Jama pod Bojinim kukum, habitat 8310 Caves not open to the public,
- determining the presence of the target species Leptodirus hochenwartii and development of monitoring proposal,
- determining the baseline status of cave habitats in the explored pits and caves,
- continuing research in previously known pits,
- creating a list of collected fauna, endemics and potentially new species for science, and
- creating photo documentation for the Park’s promotional needs.
During 2nd to 5th December, we were on the field research. We collected subterranean fauna, confirmied the presence of the Leptodirus hochenwartii in one locality, but also carried out speleological research in two new pits in the Park. In addition to speleology, there is also hiking, and we were lucky that the paths to the pits were attractive hiking trails. 😊 Now comes samples and data processing, and report writing.
To see part of the atmosphere, take a look at the photos.