Longest salt cave in the world

Our members Branko Jalžić, Petra Kutleša, Marta Malenica and Matija Čepelak participated in the expedition to Malham cave, Mt Sedom (Mt Sodom), Israel which became the longest salt cave in the world!

Malham cave is located in the south part of the Dead Sea in Israel. The cave is formed in salt layers and the estimated age is 7000 years. During international expeditions in the last 2 years held by Israeli cavers and speleological club „Sofia“ from Bulgaria and with help from cavers from France, Romania, Czech Republic, Great Britain, Croatia and Germany a cave survey has been made showing the total length of the salt is more than 10 kilometers. Until now, the longest salt cave was 3N cave from Iran with a length of 6,5 kilometers.

You can read more about this topic here.